Monday 16 November 2015

5 Basic Tips About What is SEO and How it is Useful

5 Basic Tips About What is SEO and How it is Useful

What is SEO:

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.Well this is article is for newbie if you are SEO expert then stop reading this article.

How It is Useful for Blogger:

SEO helps you to get ranking and visibility of your blog or website in Search engines. I Saw many of new bloggers gets scared hearing the word Seo. Even i don’t know Seo when i started blogging later on i learned it its easy if you concentrate on it.

I always believe that Nothing is Impossible..!!!!!

The Best ways to Get Traffic for your Blog is using Seo properly.There are many Seo Tips and Tricks. Seo is divides into onpage seo and offpage seo don’t get tensed friends i will explain you in clear whats is on page and what is Offpage Seo.

Onpage: In simple words its the tips that you should follow while writing you article ,publishing them promoting them.Clearly Onpage is all in your hand.well as it beginning guide i am not going into deep discussion about it.later we will publish articles on Onpage and Offpage Seo.

Off page: Off page is something you have less control over.Its building your blog authority by getting backlinks form other blogs.As you are new beginner first concentrate on Onpage Seo tips to get good results then later on you go for Offpage seo.

Getting Started with SEO:

1.Social Media: You cant expect your blog ranking in the first page of Google form first the day you started blogging.If not Google then how comes the traffic for your blog?

Best way and Simple Seo tips for newbie is to getting traffic form social medial.

The most importast things as soon as you started your blog is Create a Facebook page.

Create Stumbleupon profile.using stumbleupon properly can get huge traffic for your blog.

Use most of Google+.As it is Google property your blog get indexed soon in search engine.

Submit your blog to Search engines. Create a twitter Profile for you blog.

2.Content is King: Don’t ever forget this if you have good content then you can get good traffic.Writing quality content make readers comfortable and he wants to spend time in reading your article.

3.Responsive Theme: If your blog having good and responsive template then it always adds extra benefits for your successful use the Simple ,good looking and responsive template.

4.Link building: Backlinks helps you to build authority for your to build backlinks write guest pots and comment on other blogs.Create account in some forums also give you backlinks.

5.Using Proper Images in your Post: Yes an image plays important role.An image can speak thousand words if your post has relevant and good image it surely grabs the attention of reader and makes him to read complete article.............

An important aspect of SEO is making your website easy for both users and search engine robots to understand. Although search engines have become increasingly sophisticated, they still can't see and understand a web page the same way a human can. SEO helps the engines figure out what each page is about, and how it may be useful for users.

A Common Argument Against SEO

We frequently hear statements like this:

"No smart engineer would ever build a search engine that requires websites to follow certain rules or principles in order to be ranked or indexed. Anyone with half a brain would want a system that can crawl through any architecture, parse any amount of complex or imperfect code, and still find a way to return the most relevant results, not the ones that have been 'optimized' by unlicensed search marketing experts."

But Wait ...

Imagine you posted online a picture of your family dog. A human might describe it as "a black, medium-sized dog, looks like a Lab, playing fetch in the park." On the other hand, the best search engine in the world would struggle to understand the photo at anywhere near that level of sophistication. How do you make a search engine understand a photograph? Fortunately, SEO allows webmasters to provide clues that the engines can use to understand content. In fact, adding proper structure to your content is essential to SEO.

Understanding both the abilities and limitations of search engines allows you to properly build, format, and annotate your web content in a way that search engines can digest. Without SEO, a website can be invisible to search engines.

There are, on average, ten positions on the search results page. The pages that fill those positions are ordered by rank. The higher your page is on the search results page, the better your click-through rate and ability to attract searchers. Results in positions 1, 2, and 3 receive much more traffic than results down the page, and considerably more than results on deeper pages. The fact that so much attention goes to so few listings means that there will always be a financial incentive for search engine rankings. No matter how search may change in the future, websites and businesses will compete with one another for this attention, and for the user traffic and brand visibility it provides.

Constantly Changing SEO

When search marketing began in the mid-1990s, manual submission, the meta keywords tag, and keyword stuffing were all regular parts of the tactics necessary to rank well. In 2004, link bombing with anchor text, buying hordes of links from automated blog comment spam injectors, and the construction of inter-linking farms of websites could all be leveraged for traffic. In 2011, social media marketing and vertical search inclusion are mainstream methods for conducting search engine optimization. The search engines have refined their algorithms along with this evolution, so many of the tactics that worked in 2004 can hurt your SEO today.

The future is uncertain, but in the world of search, change is a constant. For this reason, search marketing will continue to be a priority for those who wish to remain competitive on the web. Some have claimed that SEO is dead, or that SEO amounts to spam. As we see it, there's no need for a defense other than simple logic: websites compete for attention and placement in the search engines, and those with the knowledge and experience to improve their website's ranking will receive the benefits of increased traffic and visibility.
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Hi, I'm Gaurav Thakur. I'm the proud owner of PahadiGeeks. I've interest in tech since childhood. So, I thought to why not share my knowledge with you guys. This gives birth to our blog,