Tuesday, 5 July 2016

5 Unbelievable Signs Which Will Force You to Stop Blogging Today !!!

 Unbelievable Signs Which Will Force You to Stop Blogging Today
Are you very much passionate for blogging?
You would must say that ” Yes I am ! “.
Am I right or not?
If I am right then I think, you should first ask this question to yourself and think seriously that
Are You Really Passionate For Your Blogging Career?
If you will ask this question to yourself seriously, then you will definitely understand that You are passionate for blogging or not.
Actually ” Passionate ” word is very much common on the BLOG-O-SPHERE nowadays, most of the bloggers will say that they are passionate for blogging. We don’t know that they are really passionate for blogging or not.
But they should must ask above question to themselves instead of telling others that they are passionate or not.
Many bloggers show that they are very much serious for their blogging career but In reality, they might be planing to quite their blogging but they don’t want to show this to others because of their reputations.
Don’t mind, but If you are also planing to do so then you would must notice these ” Unbelievable Signs Which Will Force You to Stop Blogging Today !!! “.

Unbelievable Signs which will Force you to Stop Blogging Today !!!

#1. Your Laziness Which Will Make You Failure

Laziness Is Something Like You Are Destroying Yourself.
People should understand that If they wants to be a successful person in their business or blogging then they must have to fight every time with the laziness. Right?
Because laziness is something like which will always force you to stop working and take some rest. The habit of taking some rest will destroy yourself one day and you wouldn’t be able to work anymore because you will be totally addicted to having rest. In short, you will become lazy.
When you will feel boring while working then understand that laziness is attracting you because you are not taking interest in your work, You are not concentrating on your work. Your body wants a rest for some time.
If it’s happening with you then this is the warning for you that You are destroying yourself.
You are leaving your work on tomorrow, every day you do same and leaves your work on tomorrow is the biggest sign of laziness and In this way, you will never complete your work and the time passes out.
So the only solution is, You should always fight with it, whenever you will feel that you should take some rest then shake that feeling and think that you will take rest but after completing the work  which you are doing.
In this way, you will complete your work and can also fight with laziness. Taking rest is not bad but taking rest by leaving your work is not good. So always try to concentrate on your work and motivate yourself whenever you will distract from the work or feel laziness. 😀

#2. Distraction Around You, Unable to Focus on Your Target

Distraction Is The Attraction Which Will Always Attract You
Towards Other Things & Won’t Let You Focus on Your Target.
Have you ever distracted while working?
You would definitely say that Yes I am. Am I right? 😀
Absolutely ! 😀
Every person while working may distract from their work. Sometimes it happens that when you are working then some guests came to your house and you got distracted.
Actually there are a lots of distraction around you. Whenever you will see these things and start thinking about it then you will got distracted from your work. If you are working and suddenly any child came to you and start disturbing you that would be distraction because you wouldn’t able to work at that time.
You are working and suddenly your neighbour play the music loudly then you will get distracted. Right?
As I said, there are a lot of distraction around you which won’t let you focus on your work.
So my only suggestion is, You should work in such a place where you are totally alone, where no body can disturb you and can easily focus on the work. & You should always concentrate on your work and stay away from the distraction so as to focus on your target. 😀
Also Read: 6 Eye Catching Signs That Shows Your Blog Is Moving Towards Success

#3. You Aren’t Reading Other Blogs Regularly

Are you really not reading other articles or other blogs?
If you will say that Yes I am.
Then I would must say that you are sweeping your knowledge slowly slowly.
You should must understand that people read in order to learn. Right?
When people read other articles then they learn new and innovative things which increase their knowledge. The purpose of reading other articles is to steal others knowledge and ideas.
If you will stop reading then you will stop learning and you wouldn’t have any new and innovative idea.
When you have stopped reading then you may notice that you are also unable to write articles. Right?
Yes, it really happens and even happened with me. Whenever I stop reading then I always face problems while writing articles.
I always think what should I write in order to make article interesting but I wouldn’t get any idea to make the article of such type.
Therefore we should always read to learn. If we will read regularly then we can easily cover an outstanding article for others. Right? 😀

#4. You Aren’t Posting Articles Since Many Days

Are you really not posting regularly?
If Yes, then let me ask a question to you.
Do you ever heard that
Practice Makes Perfect !!!
If you will say, Yes I heard then why are you doing this my friend.
If you will not practice regularly, If you will not write articles regularly then Obviously one day will come when you couldn’t write a single line for your article.
Have you ever think that why cricketers play cricket regular?
So as to improve themselves , so as to make themselves perfect, so that they can perform best in big tournaments.
Same formula applies to every work, You always need to practice regularly in order to make yourself perfect.
It will be the biggest sign which will force you to stop blogging today because when you wouldn’t be able to write a single line then how you could work on the BLOG-O-SPHERE.
The only solution is, you should write articles regularly to make yourself perfect in writing articles. Remember when you will write articles regularly then one day will come when you will be perfect in writing articles. Remember my words. 😀

#5. You Aren’t Getting Any Result

Are you really expecting result?
Hahaha :D, You are going in the wrong direction my friend.
How you could expect any result when you are doing these above mistakes on regular basis.
  • You are showing laziness towards you work.
  • You aren’t focusing on your work.
  • You aren’t learning regularly.
  • You aren’t practicing regularly.
After doing all these mistakes, you shouldn’t expect any result because you aren’t doing anything else which could create result for you.
If you really wants to create result then you must need to avoid all these mistakes and you have to work hard.
When you will start working hard then a day will come, when you will got the result of your hard work. 😀
& If you aren’t getting any result from your work then it doesn’t mean you will stop doing your work. You will be forced to stop doing your work or blogging but you need to be very strong and work hard and hard. Okay 😀


This was the complete article on ” 5 Unbelievable Signs Which Will Force You to Stop Blogging Today !!! “. Hope you will understand all the things and share your thoughts with us in comment section. Always remember that Hard work is the first and foremost weapon which could make you successful in your any work or in blogging. Do subscribe to this blog If you wants to get regular updates and HAPPY BLOGGING. 😉

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Hi, I'm Gaurav Thakur. I'm the proud owner of PahadiGeeks. I've interest in tech since childhood. So, I thought to why not share my knowledge with you guys. This gives birth to our blog, PahadiGeeks.com