Sunday, 19 June 2016

How to Crash Your Friends' WhatsApp Just By Sending Crazy Smileys.

What would require crashing the wildly popular WhatsApp messaging application?
What would require Crash Your Friends' WhatsApp Just By Sending Crazy Smileys.
Nearly 4000 Smileys.
Yes, you can crash your friends' WhatsApp, both WhatsApp Web and mobile application, by sending them not any specially crafted messages, but just Smileys.
Indrajeet Bhuyan, an independent researcher, has reported The Hacker News a new bug in WhatsApp that could allow anyone to remotely crash most popular messaging app just by sending nearly 4000 emojis to the target user, thereby affecting up to 1 Billion users.
Bhuyan is the same researcher who reported a very popular WhatsApp crash bug last year that required 2000 words (2kb in size) message in the special character set to remotely crash Whatsapp messenger app.
After this discovery, the company patched the bug by setting up the limits of characters in WhatsApp text messages, but unfortunately, it failed to set up limits for smileys send via WhatsApp.
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