Sunday, 19 June 2016

How to Avoid Getting your Blog Posts Copied

How to Avoid Getting your Blog Posts Copied

How Does it feel when your hours of work researching, writing and proof-reading gets leeched without any token of appreciation like link back to your blog or an acknowledgement.
There are hundreds of thousands of auto blogs which fuel on RSS feed aggregation and pure plagiarism. I wouldn’t bother if my blog has considerably huge authority. I evidenced few of my articles from my relatively new blogs without much backlink background getting scraped and the leechers outranking my blog.
 Thanks to the Google’s new DMCA Policy, It has taken DMCA claims into consideration for Search Engine Rankings. But it is virtually impossible to file DMCA complaints against every autoblogs leeching your content. So the best way is to avoid getting  scrapped and create a system using third party services and following tips to make most out of scrapped content from your blog.

Tips to Avoid Getting Copied by scrapers

There are many things you can do like disable click on your blog, avoid offering complete feed, implement services like TYNT, WordPress INK to get free link back and we will discus that in here.
RSS Post Excerpts: 
RSS is the only platform autoblogs and scrapers are powered with. Since each time your blog is updated with fresh content, the RSS Dynamically gets updated and notifies the scraper. It is advisable to generate only the article summary and social qualifiers like Read More, linking back to your site.
Disable Right-Click: 
 Disabling Right Click would make copy pasting almost impossible. Although it can still be copy pasted through Page Source. But Disabling Right Click discourages content leechers and it helped me drop the count four fold There are numerous plugins for WordPress and Javascript snippets for HTML to disable Right Click and can be implemented in couple of minutes. If your blog deals with programming, designing e.t.c,It is never advised to disable right-click because right-click is involved while copying codes 
Scheduling Newsletters and Feed: 
If your leecher is implementing RSS aggregation, your content can be scraped instantly after getting published on your blog. There is a fair change of the latter getting indexed first and outranking the original article. So it is suggested to schedule the newsletters and Feed to update few hours or days after post getting published (Depending on your blog’s age). Most of the blogs including Tricky Tricks follow this technique.  
Add Backlinks Automatically: 
Most of the leechers tend not to acknowledge or provide a link back to the original source, this nullifies the benefit of Article Syndication.
Whenever a line is copied from your article and pasted in another form, it includes a custom acknowledgement and a link back (E.G: Read More at SomeURL, Format). WordPress INK is a a tailor fit app for this job. It can be installed in couple of minutes.
Build Authority:
This is the best solution to stay out of all this hassle. Building authority or good Off-Page SEO can boost your index rate. My Blog posts get indexed within seconds. Once you’ve managed to gain authority and a fair index rate, you no longer need to worry about plagiarism.
Gaining authority is not easy and but with a proper promotion plan for your blog, you can easily get it in no time. From my experience, it’s easy to gain authority with a niche site and high-quality articles.
Flash Warnings:
Flashing a DMCA Protected Badge on my homepage might scare away the leechers. Mention that your content may not be copied or reproduced without your consent. Get your Website DMCA Protected now. DMCA TakeDown services are the last thing you can resort to, if you fed up with your content getting copied.
These are just few of the ways which you can do to save your content from being copied. But, scrappers are getting smart and they are finding ways like converting partial feed into full feed, and with other auto-blogging tools, they can still copy your content.

So for now, I can think of only following tips which can help every blogger, but if you have another trick to share, do let me know via comments. If you find this article useful, then do share it on Facebook and Twitter.

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Hi, I'm Gaurav Thakur. I'm the proud owner of PahadiGeeks. I've interest in tech since childhood. So, I thought to why not share my knowledge with you guys. This gives birth to our blog,