Simple Trick If your Pages are Hacked
1- Go to settings
2 - Change Your Password
3- Click log me out of other devices
4- now the page Will refresh and you will see changes made to you acount in fews days time
5- unclick if you have not made that change
Now just click next and Skip other setting tabs
Your pages will be back
Working 50/50 Must Try Its also working if you want to change Your name to Old name Try it
1- Go to settings
2 - Change Your Password
3- Click log me out of other devices
4- now the page Will refresh and you will see changes made to you acount in fews days time
5- unclick if you have not made that change
Now just click next and Skip other setting tabs
Your pages will be back
Working 50/50 Must Try Its also working if you want to change Your name to Old name Try it