Saturday, 18 July 2015


Hello Friends, Today I am going to say you about URL Traffic Manipulation, which we perform using ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) Poisoning. This is also simple wireless attack, for which we will use it KALI-LINUX. Let's Start by Discussing about them.

URL traffic manipulation is very similar to a Man In The Middle attack, in that we will route traffic destined for the Internet to pass through our machine first.

ARP poisoning is a technique that allows you to send spoofed ARP messages to a victim on the local network. We will use arpspoof command in KALI.

Let's begin the process of URL traffic manipulation.

1.Open a terminal window and execute the following command to configure IP tables that will allow our machine to route traffic:
 sudo echo 1 >> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward  
2.Next, we launch "arpspoof" to poison traffic going from our victim's machine to the default gateway. As this is for tutorial, we will use a Windows 7 machine on my local network with an address of (Victim's Machine). 
Arpspoof has a couple of options that we will select and they include:
 –i allows us to select our target interface. In this case, we will select wlan0.
–t allows us to specify our target.
The syntax for completing this command is arpspoof –i [interface] –t [target IP address] [destination IP address (Kali Machine IP)].
 sudo arpspoof –i wlan0 -t  
3.Next, we will execute another arpspoof command that will take traffic from the destination in the previous command (which was the default gateway) and route that traffic back to our Kali machine. In this example our IP address is
 sudo arpspoof –i wlan0 -t  

All Done..... 
We Completed ARP Poisoning with "arpspoof" to manipulate traffic on our victim's machine to ultimately route back through our Kali Linux machine. Once traffic has been rerouted, there are other attacks that you can run against the victim, including recording their keystrokes, following websites they have visited, and much more!

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Hi, I'm Gaurav Thakur. I'm the proud owner of PahadiGeeks. I've interest in tech since childhood. So, I thought to why not share my knowledge with you guys. This gives birth to our blog,